Our policies are available to view here, or you can download a PDF copy.

Intertidal zone. Removal of marine debris.
I am passionate about preserving our wonderful shorelines. For this reason I do not include sand, shells or pebbles in any of my work (consisting of materials sourced from our foreshores*). Under the Coastal Protection Act 1949, the removal of any natural material such as sand and pebbles from public beaches in the UK is illegal. Our beaches are constantly under threat from erosion, with some 28% of the coast in England and Wales experiencing erosion at rates higher than 0.1 m/year. I do not wish to contribute further by removing even the smallest quantities of sand, stones or shells! I do, however, enjoy using other beach debris, such as driftwood and sea weed.
Lee's Seas Adherence to other Laws and Regulations
*excludes materials purchased from builders merchants etc and other legally and sustainably acquired sources.
Use of drones on beaches
I comply with Civil Aviation Authority’s rules on the use of drones over our foreshores. The Crown Estate https://www.thecrownestate.co.uk › ...Metal detecting & drone flying
Drone flying / Unmanned Aerial Devices (UAD)
The Crown Estate grants permission for UAD flights over Crown Estate foreshore (defined as the land between mean high water and mean low water).
This permission is subject to all operators complying with the applicable laws, statutes, regulations and codes, as well as the requirements of The Civil Aviation Authority, and obtaining any other necessary consents for the operation of UADs.